Monday, December 13, 2021

Thank You Teachers

 Hey guys, This year a lot of my favourite teachers have left this school so I wanted to thank them for all the things they have done for me. I hope you like it.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Rebus Puzzle

 Hey guys, Today for my Early Bird Challenge I did some Rebus puzzles which were quite challenging. I found it quite challenging because they all had different meanings, but I still enjoyed doing them. I think next time I will try to do it by myself because I received a little help when I did it from my friends. I hope you like it and Blog You Later

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


 He guys, Today for my Early Bird Challenge I did another boggle which I really enjoyed. I only found 28 words because I came late. I think next time I will come earlier so I will have more time to do the early bird challenges. I hope you like it and Blog You Later