Monday, March 15, 2021

Learning to Write in a Narrative Structure

 Hey guys today I was learning to write in a Narraitive structure, Here is my work.

LO: Write in a Narrative Structure

Succes Critera:

1. Contains an introduction that introduces the main Character and Setting

2. Contains a problem and soloution

3. Coclusion that wraps up the story

4. Contains  Adverbs, Verbs and Adjectives to create imagery


Where: Paris

When: 20/6/25

Who: Zack, Mr. Harry D, Jake Steffy

What: School Trip 

Problem: Because he has to go to a special big toilet because when he poops he poops real big

Soloution: Jumps into a dumpster


I'm in Paris the beautifil city of pastries with y class for a special trip. My name is Zack Troy and I love pastries, their so fluffy, sweet with the aroma as sweet as honey. we're on our way to a special 5 sar resort Hotel because our school is kind of rich. First we checked in, and made our way to our room I got to share a room with my best friend Jake Steffy. We ordered room service and the waiter was especially wellbehaved and nice.

We ordered macarons a special oreo looking soft, cookie sandwitch. It looked as if we were in Heaven. We also ordered some ice cream with a shiny coat of of caramel sauce. Then it began my rare pooping disease, "GURGLE" Jake jumped up starteled and asked "what wrong""its happening I need to get o a toilet I mean dumpster immedialy because a toilet willl get clogged because when I started it won't stop for a while" I replied excataticly. I ran as fast as cheetah but found I wasn't going to make it I found a window and saw the dumpster. 

Knowing the risk I knew what I had to do I jumped, Pulled my pants down, Aimed and let it rip. The poo helped slow down and land safely on the edge I stayed there for 15 minutes hoping no one would come by, no one did after I finished I found some clothes on someone's line and wipe my bottom. Then headed back to my room no one had realised I had gone because friend did his best to keep them busy, man I was lucky to have such a great friend.

The next day we went around looking at the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Pyramid and many other great places. We went to the airport and flew back as we flew I couldn't but wonder If that dumpster would become a famous exhibit.


I found this work really fun when I was writin it because I could write freely and it just made me happy. It was quite easy because I really liked writing. I think I need to work on more descriving words and more punctuation. My next steps are to probably add more describing words and puncation and also to make it a little bit more Formal.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work Gammado! I really like your expressive details and how funny you have made your problem and resolution. Obviously funny for us guys with an immature sense of humour. One thing I would suggest is looking at your verbs and adverbs and looking for synonyms that create a texture to the story when it is read aloud. Looking at word play and things like Assonance or alliteration can really add some next level detail. Keep up the great work!
