Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ending Jack and the Beanstalk

 Hey guys, Today I did an ending for the famous fairy tale i'm sure you all know Jack and the Beanstalk because we are learning about Media Consumption. Even though we had three options which was to write and ending, write the story from the man that sold him the beans or write a prequal (like a sequal but the opposite) to explain why the gaint didn't like humans. I choose to write an ending becuause it seemed like something I would enjoy, but we had to make it exactly 100 words so here it is.

Jack returns to his home down the beanstalk with his 5 gold coins that he had stolen, while the giants were still fast asleep. He cut the beanstalk down and ran to his mother hoping that she would be proud of him. But when he got home he saw his long lost father that his mother told was dead. He’s mother was crying, while Jack stumbled toward his father in disbelief because Jack had only seen his father in pictures. His father was tall, big and had brown hair just like his, he was also crying with emotion. He asked...

This only the first bit to match 100 words but if you want see the the second part here it is.

his father where he had been and he answered that he was searching around for treasures and a way of survival so I could come back here with enough money to help my family. Just then Jack noticed the huge sack behind and then he realized it was full of money, with that they were able to fix their house and they were family again and they lived happily ever after.

I foudn this to be very fun because I could use my imagination as much as I wanted. I think next time I should try to limit my story to 100 words and I will try to pick my words more carfully next time. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Here is the link to the story I read.

1 comment:

  1. Ka pai Gammado. Thanks for sharing your ending and for explaining what you were learning so clearly. It's tricky sticking to a word limit right? I recently wrote some flash fiction for a competition and it had to be under 250 which I found really challenging. Keep up the awesome blogging!
