Friday, November 26, 2021

Perfect Pizzas!

 Hey guys, Yesterday my class and I did some awesome cooking. We made some pizzas which was delicous. I really enjoyed it because it was very simple to make, First we had to do the dough in the morning and leave to rise. Then we came back about 1 - 2 hourse later and it had all rised. So we first put the oven on to 190 degrees then we got cut up the pizza topings that needed to be cut up ( I choose pinapple, onions, mushrooms, cheese, pizza sauce. What do you like on your pizza?) We then spread out our pizza dough in the shape of what we wanted. Then we added our pizza sauce and the rest of our toppings. Then we put it underneath the oven to cook for 10 - 15 minutes and I can tell you now that it was one of the most delicous pizza's I have ever eaten. Here are some pictures. Blog You later

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