Monday, December 13, 2021

Thank You Teachers

 Hey guys, This year a lot of my favourite teachers have left this school so I wanted to thank them for all the things they have done for me. I hope you like it.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Rebus Puzzle

 Hey guys, Today for my Early Bird Challenge I did some Rebus puzzles which were quite challenging. I found it quite challenging because they all had different meanings, but I still enjoyed doing them. I think next time I will try to do it by myself because I received a little help when I did it from my friends. I hope you like it and Blog You Later

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


 He guys, Today for my Early Bird Challenge I did another boggle which I really enjoyed. I only found 28 words because I came late. I think next time I will come earlier so I will have more time to do the early bird challenges. I hope you like it and Blog You Later

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Thinkers Keys

 Hey guys, Today for my Early Bird Challenge I did some Thinkers Keys. I really enjoyed it because it really made me think and search for the different uses of weaving. Do you know any other uses of weaving? I think next time I will do more research and find more uses of weaving. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Michael Mulipola!

 Hey guys, Today I watched a video about Michael Mulipola which was really fun. I found the video to be very enlightening and inspiring becuase he is one of many people who shows us that if you work hard for something you can get it. So from this I have taken that I must try something to see if it will work. Here are some pictures (unfortunately I couldn't get the video).


 Hey guys, Today I did a bit of Math which was really fun. I really enjoyed it because maths is my favoruite subject and I got to do a lot more than usual. I think next time I will try to do it in the time that I got because it took me a while to finish it. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Maths Level 5

 Hey guys, this week I have been doing some Level 5 Maths problems which was really fun because it is my favourite subject. I think next time I should have added the strategies I used to find my answers. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Perfect Pizzas!

 Hey guys, Yesterday my class and I did some awesome cooking. We made some pizzas which was delicous. I really enjoyed it because it was very simple to make, First we had to do the dough in the morning and leave to rise. Then we came back about 1 - 2 hourse later and it had all rised. So we first put the oven on to 190 degrees then we got cut up the pizza topings that needed to be cut up ( I choose pinapple, onions, mushrooms, cheese, pizza sauce. What do you like on your pizza?) We then spread out our pizza dough in the shape of what we wanted. Then we added our pizza sauce and the rest of our toppings. Then we put it underneath the oven to cook for 10 - 15 minutes and I can tell you now that it was one of the most delicous pizza's I have ever eaten. Here are some pictures. Blog You later

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Missing Cat!

 Hey guys, The past two days I have been working on a Scratch Project called Missing Cat. I is basically a short animation about a character who loses his cat and search's around and find him. I found this to be a little challenging but at the same time very fun. I think next time I will try to improve it and make it run a bit smoother. I hope you like it and Blog You later.

Kilikiti & Cricket

 Hey guys, This week we have been looking at Kilikiti which is basically a Samoan version of Cricket. We even got to play it a few times, I really enjoyed the game and researching about. I probably might play it with my family. So today I compared Cricket and Kilikiti together to see the differences. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 Hey guys, Today I was swimming for P.E which at first I wasn't happy about because it had started to rain before so I thought that the water would be to cold. When I hoped it was but I got used to it pretty fast and I was already having. I really enjoyed it because we were able to play a lot and I think next time I have nothing to fear. Here are some pictures. Blog You Later

Thinkers Keys

 Hey guys, Today for my early bird challenge I did some Thinkers keys on Kilikiti and Rudby. I enjoyed doing this because I could let my mind run free and also I like creating something new. I think next I should think it through a bit more and add more rules. I hope you like it and Blog You Later

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Hey guys, Today for my early bird challenge I did a Boggle which was really fun. I found it fun because I liked competing with everyone else trying to find the most words, unfortunatly I didn't win but it was still fun. I think next time I have to find strategies to find more words faster. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Wear a Mask

 Hey guys, Today I was creating a poster on wearing a mask which was really fun and challenging. I made two of them because I had to drafts, I think next time I could make it look better. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Super Duper

 Congratulations Gammado, this week you continued to complete work and blogged multiple times from home independently. I am especially grateful with my attention divided with being back at school. 

Well Done and Thank you!


Thursday, November 18, 2021


Hey guys, Today I did a Boggle were I tried to find the most words. I found it to be very fun and a little challenging, I found 77 words and ended up coming second. I think next time I will at try to at least find 100 words. I hope you like and Blog You Later. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thinkers Keys

 Hey guys, Today I did some Thinker keys on food. I found this to be very fun because I like food. I think next time I could add more ways to cook the potatoes and Taro. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

5 Numbers

 Hey guys, Today I did some more tasks set by my teacher but this time I had to choose 5 humbers from 1 - 99. We then had to add them up and if the number was a cube number we get 3 points and if it is a square number or a Prime number we get only 2 points. So the aim was to get the highest points possible which was 12, so you had to pick numbers very carefully. I found this to be a little challenging because I had to choose the number very carefully, On my first atempt I didn't get as many points as I wanted so I redid it and got it to be perfect. I think next time I will try to do it on my first attempt. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Clumsy Tiler

 Hey guys, today I was doing a maths task set by my teacher. It was about this clumsy tiler who kept on breaking his tiles just when he was about to finish. I had to work out the size of the last piece he broke. I found it to be hard because there was a lot of decimals envolved. I think next time I could do it faster. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Congratulations and Salutations

 Gammado, thank you for sharing all you ideas in our meets and not being shy. Our meets would be very quiet without (and occasionally are when you are missing). Your constant blogging shows how much work you have put into learning during this very long lockdown.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Cultural Traditions 3

Hey guys, This week Me and my class have been looking at different reading and videos based on traditional blankets and fabrics. We then had to answer questions based on them, I found this to be very fun but equally hard because I missed some days. But I found out that if I watch the videos beforehand it makes it very hard because normally I wouldn't watch it until the meet. I hope you like and Blog You Later.


Hey guys, Today I did some more maths set by my Teacher. We had to follow the instruction and we first try to make them I red and I blue continously, then we had to put them back which was hard because we can only grab two that are next to each other at a time. I found this to be very hard becuase there was a lot of steps involved, but I think next time I could do with less moves. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

FIlm Festival

 Hey guys, Today my class and I did were watching some videos from the Manaiakalni Film Festival and giving our thoughts on them. I found it very fun watching the videos and it was really fun giving our feedback. I think next time I could watch the videos more carefully and give better feedback. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Where to find lockdown

 Hey guys, Today I did another Early Bird Challenge on where we would find lockdown necessities in our household. I found it to be very easy because I knew where most things where and it was very easy to find pictures. I think next time I could maybe explain in more detail and find better pictures. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Pegboard Challenge

 Hey guys, Today I did some maths set by my teacher which was actually really fun. We had to think of the different ways to get from point A to point B. But it was hard becuase there were many combinations that I could have done so I only did 6 of them. I think next time I could do more combinations. I hope you like it and Blog You Later

Thinkers Keys 2

 Hey guys, Today I did some Thinker Keys which was actually really fun. We had two keys which were the reverse key and the what if... key. It was fun for me because I was able to let my imagination run free and I could think of anything. I think next time I could come up with more answers. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Cultural Traditions 2

 Hey guys, This week we have been reaading different texts about travelling. I found them all to be very intresting especially the one about mars, It was also a bit hard because I am not that good at gathering information. I think next time I could work on gathering information. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

All About Diwali

Hey guys, did you know that this week is Diwali? It is also known as the Festival of Lights and last for 5 days but this year it is 6 days ( It started on the 1st and ends on the 6th of November). I found this to be very fun because I learnt a lot about Diwali. I think next time I need to work on gathering mroe information. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

ARBS Travel Posters

 Hey guys, today I did some more maths equations set by our teacher. I found this to be really fun because it was a little challenging. I think next time I should find more strategies to solve the equations faster. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Brain Teaser 3

 Hey guys, today I did another Brain Teaser but this one was really hard for me. But I was able to do it with the help of my classmates. I think next time I need to work on listening and using the information that I have usefully. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

ARBS Typing Speed

 Hey guys, tday I did a few Maths equations set by my teacher. I found this to be really fun because it made me think a lot when I was solving them. I think next time I need to practise more on division problems like in fractions because I need to get better. I hope you like it and Blog You Later

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Converting mph to fps

 Hey guys, Today when I was doing my question of the days I saw a question about convert 18 mph (mile per hour) to fps (foot per second). Even though I never heard of fps I wanted to learn it and so I did and then I made a DLO (digital learning object). I found it to be very hard because it is very hard to do without a calculater. I think next time I need to work on my decimal division. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

ARBS Borowing Things

 Hey guys, Today we did some Maths equation which I really like because it was fractions. I found this to be fun and a little easy for me. I think next time I will try to do harder maths equations and I will aslo try to find some myself for fun. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Estimating Maths Problems

 Hey guys, Today I thought I would make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) on Estimating Maths Problems. I found this to be very fun, but I don't like this strategy because I would rather find the actual answer. On the other hand, I think it is useful for checking your answer if you are uncertain. I think next time I can try to find more strategys to solving maths equations faster and easier. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Brain Teaser 2

 Hey guys, Today I did another Brain Teaser which was really fun. We had to say the colors of the words and try no to read them, and the fastest would be the winner. I found it to be really fun but also hard because it's tricky trying to say them. I think with more practise I will get much better, I had a time of 43.4 seconds do you think you could beat me? if you do please let me know.  I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Cultural Traditions

 Hey guys, This week my class and I have been looking at different traditions practised today. I found this to be fun and a little hard because we had to really think about the questions. I think next time I should pay more attention to the reading so I will be able to answer a lot easier and faster. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

All About Tokelau

 Hey guys, Since this week is Tokelauan language week I thought that I might do and All Abotu Tokelau slides. I found this to be very fun and time consuming, I also found out a lot about Tokelau. I think next time I could work on finding moe things about Tokelau. I hope you like and Blog You Later

Maths Tasks

 Hey guys, This week I have been doing some maths task set by my teacher. I found them to be very fun but also easy, The only one I found hard was the last question of the day 4 one because I didn't understand it. I think next time I need to work on writing maths equations a lot better. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Brain Teaser

Hey guys, Today we did another Early Bird challenge on Brain Teasers. I found this to be very easy because I have done a lot on Rebus Puzzles and finding the differences betweene the 2 pictures was very fun. I think next I should pay mroe attention so I can find the differences faster next time. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.  


 Hye guys, Today I did a Postcard on a place of our choice and we tried to persuade someone to go there. We were learning about how people change pictures and video or edit them to make them look nicer. I found this to be very fun, but the only thing I found challenging was the letter writing. I think next time I could practise more on my letter writing. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tokelau Challenges

 Hey guys, Today for our early bird challenge I did some greetings and months in Tokelauan. I found this to be very fun and easy because I was just using the internet to find the answers. I think next time I could find more things in Tokelauan like colors and numbers. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Facts About Tokelau

 Hey guys, Did you know that this week is actuallly Tokelauan Language Week? Well it is and I thought I might do a DLO (Digital Learning Object) on some facts about Tokelau. I learnt a few things about Tokelau, for example did you know that Tokelau is the first 100% solar powered nation in the world? I found it very fun because I learnt some new things and I think next time I could have found more facts about Tokelau. I hope you like it and Blog You Later. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thinker Keys

 He guys, Today for my early bird I did some Thinkers Keys. My first task was to brain storm a list of solution for the fact that Niue is an endagered language and then I had to find some questions that had the answer of Niue. I found this to be hard and I couldn't find many solutions, but I found some questions. I think next I could try to come up with more solution by searching the internet a lot more. I hope you like and Blog You Later

All About Niue

 Hey guys, since this week is Niuean Language Week I was given a challenge by my Teacher to do an all about Niue Google Slide. I enjoyed learning about Niue like for example did you know that Niue only prison is on a golf course and that Niue has no traffic lights. But I think next time I could try to do more facts and try to find more things about Niue. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Niuean Barkcloth

 Hey guys, today I did a Niuean barkcloth for Nieuan Language Week. I found this to be very fun and time consuming, but I really like how it turned out. I think next time I could work on drawing my face better because it doesn't look that good. I think next time I could try to add more boxes and more patterns. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Language & Culture Wariors

 Hey guys, this week my class and I have been looking at some videos about people from Niue, Cook Islands and Pasifika Islanders. We were looking at their language and how it was endagered, then I found some fimilar things from all of them. I have learnt many things about culture and to apreciate it, but maybe next time I could try to learn more about it. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Maths Questions

 Hey guys, this week I have been doing some dialy math question on a site called mathopolis. I found it to be very fun because I really love doing maths. Do you have any other strategies for working them out? if so comment. I also found it to be a bit challenging, I hope you like it. Blog You Later

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Niuean Phrases

 Hey guys, since this week is Niuean language I thought I might do a DLO (Digital Learning Object) on some easy phrases you could learn. I really enjoyed this and it was fun and easy, but I think next time I will try to learn a bit more. I hope you learnt some Niuean. Blgo You Later

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ending Jack and the Beanstalk

 Hey guys, Today I did an ending for the famous fairy tale i'm sure you all know Jack and the Beanstalk because we are learning about Media Consumption. Even though we had three options which was to write and ending, write the story from the man that sold him the beans or write a prequal (like a sequal but the opposite) to explain why the gaint didn't like humans. I choose to write an ending becuause it seemed like something I would enjoy, but we had to make it exactly 100 words so here it is.

Jack returns to his home down the beanstalk with his 5 gold coins that he had stolen, while the giants were still fast asleep. He cut the beanstalk down and ran to his mother hoping that she would be proud of him. But when he got home he saw his long lost father that his mother told was dead. He’s mother was crying, while Jack stumbled toward his father in disbelief because Jack had only seen his father in pictures. His father was tall, big and had brown hair just like his, he was also crying with emotion. He asked...

This only the first bit to match 100 words but if you want see the the second part here it is.

his father where he had been and he answered that he was searching around for treasures and a way of survival so I could come back here with enough money to help my family. Just then Jack noticed the huge sack behind and then he realized it was full of money, with that they were able to fix their house and they were family again and they lived happily ever after.

I foudn this to be very fun because I could use my imagination as much as I wanted. I think next time I should try to limit my story to 100 words and I will try to pick my words more carfully next time. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Here is the link to the story I read.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Room 9 Media Consumption

 Hey guys, Today we were learning about Media Consumption which you may not that you are consuming right now. Firstly, Media can be broken up into 3 parts theres is Entertain, Educate, and Persuade. When we were doing it in my class I found out many things about my classmates like for example 100% of us do not read that much of Newspaper or Signs. Which got me thinking even you right now are consuming media and you may not know it. Here is some of the data from the survey me and my class took and a question for you what media do you think this is right now? is it Entertaining media, Educating media or Persuading media let me know. Blog You Later

Niuean language Week

Hey guys, Did you know that today is Niuean Language Week? If you didn't know you know. Today I did a challenge set by my teacher to see how many niuean words I coud find. I found this to be pretty easy because I was using google. I think next time I should try to learn the phrases. I hope you like and Blog You Later. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

MIT Alliteration

 Hey guys, Today I finished of my MIT alliteration slides that I have been working on for a while. I realy enjoyed this and it was really fun. But I think next time I should try to make more longer sentences with better alliteration. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 13

 Hey guys, Today I did my final rebus puzzle which I found to be quite hard. I really enjoyed it and I will miss doing these puzzles. I think next time I will try to find my own puzzles on the internet if I ever get bored. I hope you like and remember to comment if you know the answer. Blog You Later

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 12

 Hey guys, Today I did another rebus puzzle probably my hardest yet.  I found this to be very hard but I like it because it was something for me to do. I think next time I should try to adapt to thinking outside the box. I hope you like and if you know the answers please comment. Blog You Later

Monday, October 11, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 11

 Hey guys, Today I did another rebus puzzle. But they seem to be getting harder every time, although I am finding them to be very fun because it is something to do in the holidays. Next time I think I could try to find some more puzzles that I could do. I hope you like it and Blog You Later. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 10

  Hey guys, today I did another early bird challenge which was a rebus puzzle. I found this to be fun because it was something to do. But I had no idea on the first one. So if you know any of the answers please comment and tell me if I'm right or wrong. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Fijian Facts

 Bula everyone, Since this week is Fijian Language Week. I did a DLO on some facts about Fiji, I found this to be very fun because I learnt a few things abut fiji like how walking on hot stones began in Fiji and also that Fiji is made up of more than 300 Islands. I think next time I could find more facts and make it look better. I hope you like it and blog you later.

Rebus Puzzle 9

  Hey guys, today I did another early bird challenge which was a rebus puzzle. I found this to be fun because it was something to do rather watching tv. I'm starting to understand how to solve them a lot easier. If you know any of the answers please comment and tell me if I'm right or wrong. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 8

 Hey guys, today I did another early bird challenge which was a rebus puzzle. I found this to be very fun because it was something to do rather than doing nothing. But I'm also finding them a bit easier. If you know any of the answers please comment and tell me if I'm right or wrong. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fijian Language Week

 Bula everyone, did you know that this week is Fijian Language Week? If you didn't now you know, so I thought I might make DLO on some words in Fijian. This was very fun because I like learning a bit of some languages. I think next time I should learn harder words and start to make conversations, but I don't think I will do all that. I hope you like and Blog You Later.

Rebus Puzzle 7

 Hey guys, today I did another early bird challenge which was a rebus puzzle. I found this to be very fun because it was something to do rather than sit around. But I also found it a little challenging. If you know any of the answers please comment and tell me if I'm right or wrong. I hope you like it and Blog You Later.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 6

  Hey guys, today I did another early bird challenge which was a rebus puzzle. Even though thats it is the holidays I felt like doing something becuase it level 3 and there isn't much to do. The early bird challenge today was a little hard for me because normally I do it with class, and we would check each other at the end, but today I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong. But if you know please let me know if I'm right or wrong, I hope you like it. Blog You Later.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Interesting Things About Tuvalu

  Hey guys, Since this week is Chinese/Tuvalu Language week I thought I would do a Blogpost on Interesting things or places there. I really liked doing this because I learnt quite a few things. For example, did you know that you can't use credit cards in Tuvalu? or that Tuvalu is the smallest country in the world?. I hope you like it and remember to comment. Blog You Later

Rebus Puzzle 5

 Hey guys, Today I did another Rebus Puzzle. But this one was different becuase we didn't do it as a class, so I'm not sure about my answers. Do you know any of them? If so please tell me if I'm right or wrong. I think next time I should try and do it a bit faster. I hope you like and remember to comment. Blog You Later

Interesting Things About China

 Hey guys, Since this week is Chinese/Tuvalu Language week I thought I would do a Blogpost on Interesting things or places there. I really liked doing this because I learnt quite a few things. For example, I thought Tea was invented in Japan for some reason, well I had no Idea where toilet paper was invented but I didn't it was China, but at least now I know. I hope you like it and remember to comment. Blog You Later

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tapa Artwork

 Hey guys, Today I was doing some Tapa art work on Google Spreadsheets/Drawings. I choose to do it on Google Spreasheets, but during the end I wanted to switch. Even though Google Drawing was a bit harder for me it produced better results. I hope you like and if you've done this before, do you any tips you could give me for next time? Blog You Later

Chinese Proverb

 Nǐ hǎo, Today we did another Proverb DLO. But this time it was in Chinese/Mandarin because of Chinese language week. This was really hard because it was in another language, but once I got the translation it was a lot easier. The DLO I did was A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with one Step, which meant if you want something or you want to get somewhere you have to take the first step. I hope you like it and you learnt something. Blog You Later

Area of Multiple Shapes

 Hey guys, Today I did a DLO on how to find the Area of multiple shapes. First, we looked at our teachers demonstration which looked easy. Then we had to do ourselves, I found that bit a little hard at the Beginning. But I slowly understood and was able to finish it. This will be very useful for me when calculating Area of weird shapes, Because I will be able to cut them up into basic shapes then find the Area. So thank you Mrs Mundy. I hope you like it and remember to comment if you learnt something. Blog You Later.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Rebus Puzzle 4

 Hey guys, Today we were doing a new Rebus Puzzle. I would say that it was the hardest yet because there was one I had no idea for and some of them took me a long time. Next time I think I should try to stay and task and try to finish the work assigned to me. I hope you like it and comment on the ones you found tricky. Blog You Later

Chinese Phrases

Nǐ hǎo Everyone, This week we are Learning about Chinese and Tuvalu Language. I am finding this to be very fun because I am understanding Chinese and Tuvalu a bit more. Today we are doing Chinese phrases, I learnt how to say hello and how to introduce myself. Next time I could probably go even further with Chinese if I wanted to. Here are some Phrases and a DLO, I hope you like it. Blog You Later

Friday, September 24, 2021

Art day

 Hey guys, Today we were looking at different things we can use in our Animation about a Myth and Legend. We used 4 sites Sand Art, Silk Art, Ink Dot Art and then we did a quick draw game. My personal favourite was the Silk Art. Next time I think I could use them in my animation because I didn't use any of them because I couldn't find a place for it. Here are some of the things that I created, I hope you like. Blog You Later