Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Hey guys, Today I was learning about Aerodynamics, Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things and the forces of flight. I think I read and  pretty good at summarizing the things I read and saying them in my on words, I think I did pretty good on tinkercard and creating my wings for my rocket. I need to probably work on using tinkercads functions like for example. instead of using one whole shape I could use different shapes to make better shapes, I also need to work on how to make my own decisions and created stuff without having to follow instructions. Overall I think I did good and it was fun for example when I was creating a tinkercard project it was fun exploring new shapes and making 3D things. It was kind of boring when I was reading because the NASA site was quite big but then when I started reading, It started to get more intresting and looked smaller and easier to read.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Hello, Today we were learning about Rockets and their meaning so I did a little scratch project to show you guys some facts For example did you know that Newtons 3rd law has something to do with rockets and basicly everything. Newtons 3rd law is "for every action there is a reaction" it seems quite simple but it is very complicated.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Athletics Day

 Hello, Yesterday on the 18th of November I went to Athletics day, It was really fun I enyoyed it but it was really hard. I had to come at 7:30 to get warmed for my 1500 Meters, when I raced I came 2 to last barely beating 1 person. Even though I almost came last I was happy, I was having fun and lots of food because Mr Edwards had brang some fruit and muesli bars I ate like 4 muesli bars. I waited a while and watched my friends race and then a 12.45 I did my 800 meter race and came 3rd to last. Then the rest of the day I was watching my friends races and eating food. At the end of the day we went to maccas and Mr Edwards got all of us a frozen coke and 1 person a big bag combo, then we returned to school and went home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Cloud Classfication

Hello guys today I was learning about the water cycle and cloud classifaction here is my scratch project show my work. Hope you like it.

Reflective Questions:

  • What are you learning about in Inquiry?

We are learning about the water cycle and the cloud classifications.

  • What did you find challenging?

Learning about the clouds and their classifications and also making the scratch project.

  • How did you overcome your challenge?

It was hard but I knew how to do it and kept on asking my teacher what I didn’t know.

  • If you were to do it differently, what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t really do anything differently because I think I did the best I could and I am happy with my work.

  • What did you enjoy? Why?

I enjoyed making the scratch project because it was fun and challenging finding the images and putting it all together.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Simplifying Algebra

 Hello guys today I was learning about Simplifying like and unlike terms in algebra. It was quite easy because my teacher explained to me in a way that I understood, for example instead of using A B C he used smiley faces, baseballs and baseball bats. My next step is probably to move into bigger maths problems and to go into a more complicated question. 

If you want to learn more yourself you can look at this LINK.

Algebra Like and Unlike Terms

 Hey, guys today I was learning about like and unlike terms in algebra so I did a DLO to show you guys what I did.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Fake Media

 Hello guys today we were leaarning about fake media. media is a type of communication from newspapers and magizines to Facebook and Instagram. You can tell a by thinking some of them a obvious and you can se its photo shoped or edited. Here is on I made can you tell if its real or fake.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Why Should We Be Silent During Tests

 Hello guys today I was learning why and the importance of being silent when learning or doing a test. So we did a DLO I hope you like