Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Cloud Classfication

Hello guys today I was learning about the water cycle and cloud classifaction here is my scratch project show my work. Hope you like it.

Reflective Questions:

  • What are you learning about in Inquiry?

We are learning about the water cycle and the cloud classifications.

  • What did you find challenging?

Learning about the clouds and their classifications and also making the scratch project.

  • How did you overcome your challenge?

It was hard but I knew how to do it and kept on asking my teacher what I didn’t know.

  • If you were to do it differently, what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t really do anything differently because I think I did the best I could and I am happy with my work.

  • What did you enjoy? Why?

I enjoyed making the scratch project because it was fun and challenging finding the images and putting it all together.

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