Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Hey guys, Today I was learning about Aerodynamics, Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things and the forces of flight. I think I read and  pretty good at summarizing the things I read and saying them in my on words, I think I did pretty good on tinkercard and creating my wings for my rocket. I need to probably work on using tinkercads functions like for example. instead of using one whole shape I could use different shapes to make better shapes, I also need to work on how to make my own decisions and created stuff without having to follow instructions. Overall I think I did good and it was fun for example when I was creating a tinkercard project it was fun exploring new shapes and making 3D things. It was kind of boring when I was reading because the NASA site was quite big but then when I started reading, It started to get more intresting and looked smaller and easier to read.

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