Thursday, May 20, 2021

Owairaka 2021 Toolkit

 Hey guys, Today I went to Owairaka Primary School for AKO HIKO Toolkit I found this very fun, but also found this to be very short for some reason. We started by heading to the all and we had a welcoming speech by Phill Margets, After that we went to our first session which I was teaching or taking. (Session are what we have chosen to learn about from other schools). We did our presentation, tryed teaching every one, then we gave them a 20min chalange. We then had our break and headed to our next Session this time I choose Wordart witch was a site that make amazing art with words that you type I choose my name. Then we had another break and then went to our last and final Session witch was a micraft coding game kind of like scratch. Finally, we went back to the hall for some people who worked at Fusion to give us some in sight about being an elctrical enginner and IT worker.

If you want to try it for you self here are the links


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My World War 1 Synthesis Statement

Hey guys, Today I was learning about the  World War 1 by Watching videos and Reading letters to make summarys with my group, then we made 2 Synthesis Statements. I found this to be quite easy becuase my role wasn't very hard. My next steps would probably be add more detail and organise my writing.

Trenches weren't made to be long term so the trenches weren't very comfterable becuase it was muddy and full of diseases. There was also many shattered bones, dead bodys and blood everywhere because of this soldiers starting producing bad mindset for example they thought when they were gonna instead of if they were gonna die. They found the trenches very boring because they had to sit around for hours on end just waiting.

The life in the trenches was very stressful and depressing. The trenches were very crap, it was muddy and bloody. Soldiers being scared to death from all the rapid fire from enemy lines. The sleep schedule of 3 hours for the regular soldier was tireing. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

My Test Flight Recap

Hey Guys today I was testing rockets and I made a recap you can read it underneath and also my first wing desighn and my measurments that I used to make the wings.

We pumped air into the water and released our rocket but it didn’t go very far and some of the wings broke off. Plus the wind was a little rough. Our bottle rocket didn’t break and at least it went into the air and wasn’t a dud. Our wings need improvement. Maybe if we 3d printed the wing a glue it one much better it might go faster. We could also drink a little more water because we only had a little. Also the angle of the launcher was not very straight and didn’t go its highest. I could also put a nose on the top to make it go faster and higher. Our next step is to do more research and try to improve our rockets for example the wings and probably add more water and nose that make it fly higher and faster.

Monday, May 10, 2021

World War 1 Letter

 Hey guys, Today I was reanacting what it would be like in the war and strated writing a letter to my parents acting like I was in the war. I made it so it look like a letter from thoose days. I found this quite easy and fun. Maybe next time I could work on adding more describing words. Try and see if you can read it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Room 9 Ball Toss Data

 Hey guys, Today I was learning about Telly charts and Table so we went outside and we each throw a Basketball Measuring the height on each turn. Then we made a form and graph, My graph is down below with a fact about it. I found this to be a little hard and fun.

Monday, May 3, 2021

World War 1

Hey, guys today I was learning about World War 1. I found this quite easy because It was just researching and putting images together to make a poster, Next time I would like to improve my writing with more details. I hope you like it and try guess the flags.

Blog You Later