Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My World War 1 Synthesis Statement

Hey guys, Today I was learning about the  World War 1 by Watching videos and Reading letters to make summarys with my group, then we made 2 Synthesis Statements. I found this to be quite easy becuase my role wasn't very hard. My next steps would probably be add more detail and organise my writing.

Trenches weren't made to be long term so the trenches weren't very comfterable becuase it was muddy and full of diseases. There was also many shattered bones, dead bodys and blood everywhere because of this soldiers starting producing bad mindset for example they thought when they were gonna instead of if they were gonna die. They found the trenches very boring because they had to sit around for hours on end just waiting.

The life in the trenches was very stressful and depressing. The trenches were very crap, it was muddy and bloody. Soldiers being scared to death from all the rapid fire from enemy lines. The sleep schedule of 3 hours for the regular soldier was tireing. 

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