Thursday, May 20, 2021

Owairaka 2021 Toolkit

 Hey guys, Today I went to Owairaka Primary School for AKO HIKO Toolkit I found this very fun, but also found this to be very short for some reason. We started by heading to the all and we had a welcoming speech by Phill Margets, After that we went to our first session which I was teaching or taking. (Session are what we have chosen to learn about from other schools). We did our presentation, tryed teaching every one, then we gave them a 20min chalange. We then had our break and headed to our next Session this time I choose Wordart witch was a site that make amazing art with words that you type I choose my name. Then we had another break and then went to our last and final Session witch was a micraft coding game kind of like scratch. Finally, we went back to the hall for some people who worked at Fusion to give us some in sight about being an elctrical enginner and IT worker.

If you want to try it for you self here are the links


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