Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Why do we have Rules and Laws?

 Hey guys, Today we made a Google Doc about Road code and School rules and why we need them. I found this to be a bit easy because I have read a bit of the Road code but not that much. Overall I found this to be fun, but I could have contributed more to the school rules. I hope you like. Blog You Later

Idiom Savanger Hunt 3

 Hey guys, Today I have been Learning about Idioms, Idioms are really just phrases that mean something else than its literal meaning. I found this to be very fun and exciting because I learnt a new figure of speech. So we did a Scavenger Hunt set by our teacher on some Idioms, and I think I could have made it better by putting examples for the Idioms.

Probability Challenge 5

 Hey guys, Today I did another Probability Challenge, This time we had to spin two Spinners one from 0-9 and the other from 1-5 and spun it 20 times. We then made a tree diagram showing the Probability of the sums possible. I found this to be very fun and a bit easy when I got the hang of it, but at the beggining I didn't understand the tree diagram. I think I could gave made a better explanation for what I had learnt.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Probability Challenge 4

Hey guys, Today I did another Probability Challenge, this Challenge was about spinning a spinner from 1-5 50 times. After that I concluded that the probability wasn't even because there were more Odd number on the spinner 1, 3, 5 compared to Even number 2, 4 and the test supported that. The numbers were very close to the Theoretical numbers. I don't think I could have done anything better because I gave the best explanation I could.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Consumer Rights

 Hey guys, Today I did a Consumer Rights table with my class on google meets. There were 6 questions and we had to find scenarios they fit and also scenarios they don't fit in. I found this to be a little challenging and fun because I got to do it with every so it was a bit easier since everyone contributed. Next time I think I could probabily contrubite a little more. It is underneath I if you want to take a look and I hope you like it. Blog You Later

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Term 3 Maths

Hey guys, This is all my Maths that I have done over this whole Term. I really like Maths and I always enjoy doing more than the other subjects. This slide has a whole range of maths that I have done including something called prototec witch is a great site that helps improve your maths. It goes in stage from 2 - 8 and it also times you so you can practise your speed. Something I could work on would be Mathletics, since I have done most of the the ones I have been set there are only hard ones left wich I am struggling a little bit with. But it's still very fun and for me because it is a little challenging. It is underneath If you want to take a look. Blog You Later.

Scavenger Hunt 1

Hey guys, Yesterday we did a Scavenger Hunt on al the things we could find on our class site.We always do a challenge every time we come early to our online meeting. This was actually very fun for me because It was something to do in my boring lockdown and also it was fun trying to beat my classmates. Here are all the things I could find some of them were actually kind of hard. Blog You Later

Scavenger Hunt 2

 Hey guys, Today I did a Scavenger Hunt on things about our class blog. This was very fun because I beat all my classmates by getting the most. This is all the things I could find on it, I hope you like. Blog You Later.

Anarus Shoes

 Hey guys, This is a PMI (Postive, Minus and Interesting) on a story we all read about the Consumer Garantee Act. The story is about a boy called Anaru and how he buys shoes, If you want to read it here is the link. So we did the Postives, Minus and Intrestings document as a class on the things he did good and the things that were bad. You can have a look if you like.

Probability Challenge 3

Hey guys, Today we did another probability challenge that I didn't like because the odds were against me and I lost just by rolling to many negatives. But overall it was actualy kind of fun, I just had to spin and online spinner and right in my number. Here is the slide if you want to take a look. Blog You Later

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Rules and Laws

 Hey guys, today we were talking about rules and laws in a google meet and we discused many things. The google meets are really fun for me because it is quite boring at home and it nice to see my friends even if it is vritually. If you want to look at our classes answers then it underneath.

Probabilty Challenge 2

 Hey guys, Today we were doing a challenge on Theoritcal and Expermental, in this challenge the Theoritcal was the probability that 3/18 will go on each numbers on the dice. So me and my friend Experimented, we found this to be actually and kind of fun but very easy. If you want to see the results its underneath. Blog You Later.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Probability Challenge 1

 Hey guys, Today I did a probability chalange, which I found this to be very easy because we just had to roll a dice. I don't think there is anything I could do better on this particular activity because it wasn't that hard. Blog You Later

Monday, August 23, 2021

Lockdown Baking

Hey guys, On Friday I made some Brownies that were so delicous, there is a recipes down underneath this if you want to make it for yourself. There are two recipes, but they both have the same process of baking but the ingredients vary if you want a very sweet Brownie or a just sweet Brownie. But you must always keep your eye on it because it can get overcook very quickly.

Very Sweet Brownie


  • ⅓ cup Flour

  • ⅛ cup Cocoa

  • ½ cup Sugar

  • ⅓ cup chocolate drops (you can add more if you like)

  • 30 grams butter or about 2 heaped tablespoons

  • 1 Eggs

  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence

Sweet Brownie:


  • ½ cup Flour

  • ⅓ cup Cocoa

  • ⅓ cup Sugar

  • ⅓ cup chocolate drops (you can add more if you like)

  • 60 grams butter or about 4 heaped tablespoons

  • 2 Eggs

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Brownie Recipe:

  1. First preheat oven to 180 - 190 celsius

  2. Get baking tray you are going to use and line with baking paper and spread some melted butter or oil on it

  3. Sift your flour and cocoa powder in a bowl then add your Sugar and Choc drops and stir

  4. Melt your butter for 20 seconds

  5. In a jug whisk your a egg and vanilla essence together

  6. Make a well in the center of your mix and pour your egg and butter mixture in

  7. The grab a wooden spoon and mix it together

  8. Then pour your mixture into your baking tray and spread it out evenly

  9. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes (Mostly 20 min is a good to take it out)

The results:

Friday, August 20, 2021

Why we need rules in society?

 Hey, guys today I was making a poster about rules in society and why we need them. This was actually very easy for me and it took less than 20 minutes to make. Maybe next time I think I should put a bit more effort in and try to make it look the best I can make it because I do sometimes not try my best.

Lockdown Writing Day 2

 Hey guys, today I wrote added to my diary. Today wrote about something new I played. The game was called called cannon basketball, wich was actually quite fun and enjoyable. If you want you play it during this lockdown. here is the link

The 3rd day of the unpredictable level 4 lockdown, and yet I was already sick of it. There was nothing to do and no one to do anything with even though it was locked down, we were still kept busy. I had online school starting at 9:30am on the dot and it continued to about 2:30pm. Today just like yesterday I was told to find something new to do or play and again I played a new game for about 10 minutes. It combined the one thing I like most with cannons. The game was called cannon basketball and you would play as if you had to get the basketball in a hoop, but it isn’t that easy. You would have to aim and hit other objects to cause something that would get the ball in the hoop. It seems hard but when you play it is like a fun puzzle. I made it to the end of the game and it said I had passed, I found the particular one to be quite easy but there were sequels to that game that might have been a bit more challenging.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Lockdown Writing Day 1

Hey guys, I have been doing a lot of diary writing, wich was very fun for me. I think I did a good explanition and and my spelling was alright, but maybe next time I could work something to catch the readers attention maybe in the first sentence.

Lockdown is back again and it has been quite boring for me because there hasn’t been much to do and also covid makes my blood boil because it canceled the one thing I was looking forward to this term. So besides being angry and bored today I had a google meet with my class, which was actually quite enjoyable after the teacher left. We stayed on and just talked for a while. Soon we all got bored and left the meeting, that's when I started doing some actual work on my maths which was calculating the mean of some numbers. After that I read theory and literacy planet. This was all quite abnormal for me because I had gotten used to an environment where I'm working and people around me are talking and having fun. Then all of a sudden I’m finding myself in my room just doing some tasks that I have been assigned. On one of my assignments it said to “try to do something you wouldn't normally do, find a new game even if boring and you delete it afterwards.” , so I used that as an excuse to play a game on cool maths games, a site where you can play many games but don’t worry it's not really maths games. So I played a game called Bloxorz  and I made it all the way up to stage 7 then I gave up because it was very challenging.

If you want to play the game, here is the link.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Chapter Book Challenge

Hey guys, this week we have been reading a book and had to answer some question based on the book we read. I found this to be really fun and chalenging, but it was quite easy. Next time I could give them more detial and description when answering some questions.

Friday, August 6, 2021

IOC Facts

Hey guys we have learning a lot about the Olympics since it began, It was really fun for me because I got to learn a lot about it and our New Zealand athletes that are competing and also the International Olympic Comittee or the IOC for short. The facts are underneath.

Speaking Spanish

Hey guys Today In my Language I was learning how to speak Spanish, I found this to be kind of hard and it was quite succesfull I learnt a few words like hot to say Water, Bread, and Milk. Next time I wish to learn more complex words and understand the language a lot more. Here are some phrases I learnt underneath.