Thursday, August 26, 2021

Term 3 Maths

Hey guys, This is all my Maths that I have done over this whole Term. I really like Maths and I always enjoy doing more than the other subjects. This slide has a whole range of maths that I have done including something called prototec witch is a great site that helps improve your maths. It goes in stage from 2 - 8 and it also times you so you can practise your speed. Something I could work on would be Mathletics, since I have done most of the the ones I have been set there are only hard ones left wich I am struggling a little bit with. But it's still very fun and for me because it is a little challenging. It is underneath If you want to take a look. Blog You Later.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Gammado, I like how you specify when lockdown started. Becareful the split photos make me a bit wary.
