Friday, August 20, 2021

Lockdown Writing Day 2

 Hey guys, today I wrote added to my diary. Today wrote about something new I played. The game was called called cannon basketball, wich was actually quite fun and enjoyable. If you want you play it during this lockdown. here is the link

The 3rd day of the unpredictable level 4 lockdown, and yet I was already sick of it. There was nothing to do and no one to do anything with even though it was locked down, we were still kept busy. I had online school starting at 9:30am on the dot and it continued to about 2:30pm. Today just like yesterday I was told to find something new to do or play and again I played a new game for about 10 minutes. It combined the one thing I like most with cannons. The game was called cannon basketball and you would play as if you had to get the basketball in a hoop, but it isn’t that easy. You would have to aim and hit other objects to cause something that would get the ball in the hoop. It seems hard but when you play it is like a fun puzzle. I made it to the end of the game and it said I had passed, I found the particular one to be quite easy but there were sequels to that game that might have been a bit more challenging.

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