Friday, August 27, 2021

Consumer Rights

 Hey guys, Today I did a Consumer Rights table with my class on google meets. There were 6 questions and we had to find scenarios they fit and also scenarios they don't fit in. I found this to be a little challenging and fun because I got to do it with every so it was a bit easier since everyone contributed. Next time I think I could probabily contrubite a little more. It is underneath I if you want to take a look and I hope you like it. Blog You Later

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gammado

    I have enjoyed looking through your past weeks blogs. I must admit that I had a bit of a laugh when I saw your church 'punishments' earlier in the week. I remember going to Samoa and visiting a church and seeing the older ladies walking up the aisle and tell off all the children who were not paying attention. Keep up the good work. You are encouraged to blog on a regular basis as this activity is proven by research to lift your achievement levels. Well done.
